November 18, 2009

A final note from Andrea

Well, the fall banding season has come and gone. My eight months here in Erie have been quite an adventure. This internship has proven to be the best "job" I have had yet and a truly eye-opening experience. I have acquired a great wealth of knowledge about birds since I first arrived- and yet the Northern Cardinals are still my favorite with their cute little crests! As for my fall banding goal to become "a skulling fool"- I might just be well on my way! I have been so honored to meet/work with all the great visitors/volunteers! Your presence and love for wildlife added a new dimension to the banding station! I will cherish the memories! As for me, I continue to explore new options for working with birds and traveling! For the next month, however, I will be completing my internship by living in Meadville and working in the Audubon PA office. Visitors are welcome to stop by!

Its been great... don't be strangers!

Andrea Lauren Reinhardt


Desiree said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed your presque isle banding adventure! Awesome job on the blog updates too. It sounds like you two had a pretty eventful season! Any plans to continue living the bird tech hobo lifestyle?

Unknown said...


I simply adored Presque Isle and the birds! I graduated college last December (SUNY ESF- just like you) and wanted to get some technical bird banding skills. I accomplished that and realized that this is what I want to do, for now at least. I would love to get an actual job or temp position in the avian field before going back to grad school. I am applying to jobs now. I hope it all works out. What are you up to these days? By the way, you made quite an impression on the banding community- I constantly heard your name! Take care!