May 6, 2013

First weekend of May 2013

Our first real day of banding for the year was Saturday, May 4th.  We had planned to start on Friday the 3rd, but the wind had other ideas-  it was much too strong to open any nets at all out at Fry's Landing!  So we waited until Saturday.  We delayed opening, again because of wind, but by about 8:30 the wind died down enough to set some nets.  That also gave us a chance to trim back some of last year's growth and groom the net lanes.

Here is Jason saying hello to an old friend of ours. 

This beautiful male Yellow Warbler was one of several recaptures we had of birds banded in previous years.  It is amazing to realize that this 8-9 gram bird has just come back to the exact same place at Presque Isle where is was banded, after having spent the winter on a Caribbean island.  

Pretty cool!  

Hope to see you at the banding table (see the spring schedule on right side),

Sarah Sargent

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