November 10, 2008

Season Summary

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and visited this fall!

We’d like to take the time to say thank you to all the volunteers who helped out this fall! Your hard work and dedication is much appreciated. We had over 20 people visit/volunteer with a total of 310 volunteer hours! Thank you: Evelyn Anderson, Jamie Borowig, Jesse Borowig, Alice Edwards, Mark Edwards, Michele Franz, Frank Fresina, Jessica Frisina, Joan Galli, Kathie Goodblood, David Grunzel, Make Hallworth, Penny Hanes, Bob Harris, Ross Hollenbeck, Jean Joyce, Toni Kelly, David Marasco, Jerry McWilliams, Don Nixon, James Oosterkamp, Falyn Owens, Jerry Stanley, and others. Thanks to all who have visited our banding sites at Presque Isle State Park and we hope to see you all next year!

Ready For the Numbers?!?
Banding was conducted Monday through Saturday starting on August 6 and ending on November 1. In total, we banded 67 days and clocked up 4,180 mist net hours!
The time spent was well worth it. We had an extremely successful fall migration capturing and banding a total of 1,604 birds! Of those captured 1,433 were new birds and 171 were recaptured birds. We banded an astonishing 72 different species! Some species we only saw once like the American Tree Sparrow, Carolina Wren, Connecticut Warbler, and the Hooded Warbler. Other species were not strangers to our nets. It’s also interesting that 78% of the birds we captured were aged as hatch year.

Top 10 Birds Captured

1) Myrtle Warbler - 542
2) Gray Catbird - 198
3) White-throated Sparrow - 126
4) Hermit Thrush - 82
5) Golden-crowned Kinglet - 79
6) Song Sparrow - 51
7) Common Yellowthroat - 43
8) Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 38
9) Yellow Warbler - 38
10) Black-capped Chickadee - 37

The following is a list of all the species we captured this fall:

· Acadian Flycatcher
· Hairy Woodpecker
· American Goldfinch
· Hermit Thrush
· American Redstart
· Hooded Warbler
· American Robin
· House Wren
· American Woodcock
· Least Flycatcher
· American Tree Sparrow
· Magnolia Warbler
· Baltimore Oriole
· Mourning Dove
· Black and White Warbler
· Mourning Warbler
· Black-capped Chickadee
· Myrtle Warbler
· Belted Kingfisher
· Nashville Warbler
· Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
· Northern Cardinal
· Blue-headed Vireo
· Northern Waterthrush
· Blackburnian Warbler
· Ovenbird
· Blue Jay
· Philadelphia Vireo
· Blackpoll Warbler
· Pine Siskin
· Brown Creeper
· Rose-breasted Grosbeak
· Brown Thrasher
· Ruby-crowned Kinglet
· Black-throated Blue Warbler
· Red-eyed Vireo
· Black-throated Green Warbler
· Slate-Colored Junco
· Carolina Wren
· Song Sparrow
· Cedar Waxwing
· Sharp-shinned Hawk
· Chipping Sparrow
· Swamp Sparrow
· Connecticut Warbler
· Swainson's Thrush
· Common Yellowthroat
· Tennesee Warbler
· Chestnut-sided Warbler
· Unidentified Empidonax Flycatcher
· Downy Woodpecker
· Veery
· Eastern Phoebe
· Warbling Vireo
· Eastern Towhee
· White-Breasted Nuthatch
· Eastern Wood-Pewee
· Wilson's Warbler
· Eastern Tufted Titmouse
· Winter Wren
· White-crowned Sparrow
· Wood Thrush
· Fox Sparrow
· White-throated Sparrow
· Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
· Golden-crowned Kinglet
· Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
· Gray-cheeked Thrush
· Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker
· Gray Catbird
· Yellow Warbler

Check out our photos from this season! If you took pictures while banding, please email them to so that we can add them to our album!

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