April 20, 2009

First Banding Visits

We have banded at each site once since the start of the banding season! There are obvious differences between the sites. The banding site at Erie Bluffs State Park is more forested than the others and it's where we caught the least number of birds (3). The fact that this site is within a large continuous forest means birds are not funneled into specific areas. Thus, lower numbers of netted birds are expected. The Presque Isle banding sites proved more productive for bird banding. We caught 33 birds on Friday at Fry's Landing! It was an exciting day! On Saturday, we banded at Niagara boat launch. We had several visitors and volunteers. The more the merrier! Only 12 birds were caught that day, but the season is just getting started.

We intend to keep a running record of each bird species and when it is first caught at each site:

Erie Bluffs State Park: Eastern Phoebe, Brown Creeper.

Fry's Landing: Song Sparrow, American Tree Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Downy Woodpecker, Brown Creeper, American Robin, Myrtle Warbler, Golden Crowned Kinglet, Slate-colored Junco, Eastern Phoebe.

Niagara Boat Launch: Song Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Eastern Phoebe, Brown Creeper, American Robin.


Sacha Mkheidze said...

hope you guys get a shin or two.

Unknown said...

Hi girls!

I'm hoping to come out for a little while on Friday morning.

Add some photos in your posts please. :) If you need help let me know.