May 5, 2014

Spring 2014

Hello Presque Isle Banding Followers.

We finally have a schedule figured out for May.  We will be banding most weekend days (but not all) and I was lucky enough to recruit Bob Mulvihill to help out.  Here is our schedule:
Saturday, May 3rd at Fry's*
Friday, May 9th at Niagara
Saturday, May 10th at Fry's*
Sunday, May 11th at Fry's*
Sunday, May 18th at Fry's*
Friday, May 23rd at Fry's
Saturday, May 24th at Niagara
Sunday, May 25th at Fry's*
Friday, May 30th at Fry's
Saturday, May 31st at Niagara

*with Bob Mulvihill

We are going back and forth between the two sites, like last year, but on a less regular schedule.  

We were out on Saturday, and caught close to 60 birds, despite the weather!  Highlights were a Brown Thrasher and two Nashville Warblers.  We had a lot of Downy Woodpeckers, for some reason- not sure why.  Loads of Yellow-rumped Warblers, plus Yellow Warblers, White-throated Sparrows and a smattering of other species. It was great to have Bob Mulvihill there as the reference on aging everything we got.  He is the Master of Molt!  Bob banded at Powdermill Avian Research Center for 32 years, so really knows his stuff.

As always, we may cancel if the weather is terrible, but hope to see you out there on one of our banding days.

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