August 20, 2009

An interesting first week

We made it out to all three banding sites- the weather has been interesting. We have experienced 90 degree heat, rain, and intense wind the last couple of days. At least things remain interesting! Plus, we are catching birds! On Monday, we headed out to the bluffs and netted 4 birds. Tuesday was a slower day with only 3 birds caught at Frye's Landing. Finally, on Wednesday, at Niagara boat launch, we hit a break in the weather and were able to band 31 birds of 10 different species.

The banding schedule remains the same as last spring and is as follows:

Erie Bluffs State Park: Monday and Thursday
Frye's Landing: Tuesday and Friday
Niagara Boat Launch: Wednesday and Saturday

Vistiors and volunteers are welcome to join in on the fun!

Here is what we caught so far...

Erie Bluffs State Park (EBSP):
Northern Cardinal, Acadian Flycatcher, Hooded Warbler, American Redstart.

Frye's Landing: American Robin, Northern Cardinal

Niagara Boat Launch:
American Redstart, Gray Catbird, Northern Cardinal, Yellow Warbler, White-breasted Nuthatch, Ruby-throated Hummingbird (not banded), Baltimore Oriole, Northern Waterthrush, Red-eyed Vireo, Swainson's Thrush, American Robin.

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