August 10, 2009

The show must go on!

The fall banding season will begin in a week- August 17th to be exact! The new bander, Linnea, will be arriving soon. We anticipate the fall banding season to be different than that of last spring. This is due in part to the time of year and migrant species expected to be passing threw Erie. Last fall, the most abundant species captured, 542 birds in total, was the Myrtle Warbler (also known as the Yellow-rumped Warbler). Plus, the banding season this fall will be extended in length compared to that of last spring. We will begin banding mid-August and continue to Halloween! I look forward to working with Linnea, as well as all returning and new volunteers! Hope to see you all soon!

Please check out the Spring 2009 Banding Newsletter which is posted as a link on the blog site.

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