April 26, 2010

April 19-24

This concludes our first full week of bird banding for the 2010 spring migration season! The weather was better this week than last, but we still had a rather slow turn out for birds because migration is not in full swing. But the birds that we did capture provided very valuable practice for me so that I will be better prepared when they really start flocking in! We did capture some beatiful birds this week . Here are a few interesting highlights. I will post a few highlight pix in the actual blog each week, but I will also update and add photos to a picsasa web album with all of our 2010 spring migration season bird photos that can be found in the sidebar on the right side of the page. Let's hope for a rush of migrants this week!
The summary of this week's captures are as follows:
April 19 @ Erie Bluffs SP: 1 bird total: 1 american robin.
April 20 @ Fry's Landing: 14 birds total: 1 ruby-crowned kinglet, 1 myrtle warbler, 5 song sparrows, 3 northern cardinals, 3 american robins, 1 eastern towhee.
April 21 @ Niagra Boat Launch: 14 birds total: 1 field sparrow, 2 swamp sparrow, 3 song sparrows, 3 hermit thrushes, 1 northern cardinal, 1 blue jay, 2 hairy woodpeckers, 1 house wren.
April 22 @ Erie Bluffs SP: 6 birds total= 2 dark-eyed juncos, 1 eastern tufted titmouse, 1 eastern towhee, 1 blue jay, 1 red-bellied woodpecker.
April 23 @ Fry's Landing: 10 birds total: 1 winter wren, 1 dark-eyed junco, 1 swamp sparrow, 2 brown-headed cowbirds, 1 song sparrow, 2 northern cardinals, 1 brown thrasher, 1 american robin.
April 24 @ Niagra Boat Launch: 0 birds total. Closed nets early due to strong winds.

1 comment:

JEO said...

Your doing a great job!!The sparrows are a challenge, I need to look up the hermit thrush? See u soon! jeo